We have temporarily taken down our mobile app from the App Stores. We are making a few changes to make it more fun as well as functional, so please stay tuned to when we relaunch the app! In the meantime, please join our discord…
“The main and whole purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide a safe and friendly environment where players can have fun and expand their tactical knowledge and skill without being teased or mistreated in any way. We intend to keep this environment for our members and we attempt to keep a certain game-play environment in our rooms.”
We are Clan Killas ®: Gaming – a multi-game and platform Community of Gamers, by Gamers and for Gamers! We’ve been firmly Established since 2003 and have remained because of our strong Foundation and Principles.
We are themed after our Terminator-like gameplay in tournaments! It’s also an analogy of our methods of being: Tactical, Strategic, Methodical and Disciplined – like a fine tuned machine. Version 3.0, simply relates to our 3rd Version Mobile App, which is available on iOS and Android app stores:
Get the Clan Killas ®: Version 3.0 Mobile App! Available – on both iOS and Android…”